
Discovering Talents

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Hire Talent

How do you learn what a person's talent is?

Skills are necessary, you do not want to hire a programmer if they do not know how to program, but skills are learned - they are taught. Talent is something a person has, or they do not.

Discovering Talent in an interview...

Topics and questions

Broad View - When making a business decision, what aspects do you consider? Do they mention the problem itself, employee impact, social impact, political impact, financial impact, stakeholders, stockholders, customer, etc.

Have a timeline drawn out referencing the candidate when the interview starts. Place a mark on it for each phase of their life that they speak about while answering the following questions. At the end you will know what was the most influential time in their life. Was there one significant time or have they been consistent learners, 'Life Learners'. Being a 'Life Learner' is a talent.

Ability to Execute - You want people that can make things happen, successfully, and learn from those times that they may not be successful. Tell the candidate to pick 3 timeframes in their life. Then pick one task / objective from each timeframe and tell us about it... Listen to what they say... plan, organization, detail, objective, actions, measure, adjust, ... Do their stories tell you they are capable of successful execution?

Problem Solver - It is wonderful when you have someone who can think through and solve problems without being led by a ring in their nose. Tell the candidate to pick 3 timeframes within their life. Then pick one significant problem they were challenged with from each timeframe and tell us about it. What do their stories tell you about their ability to solve problems? Were they complex? Were they important?

Adaptability - Being able to adapt to a situation is a strong talent we all want our people to have. Tell the candidate to pick 3 timeframes within their life. Then pick one instance within each timeframe where they had to change. There are always times when people have to change. How did they handle it? What did they do? Do their stories paint a picture of being able to adapt?

Empathetic - Talent is not always empathetic for others, great talent is... Tell the candidate to pick 3 timeframes within their life. Then pick one challenging personnel situation from each timeframe and tell us about it and how you dealt with it. What type of person do their stories display? Do you believe they are empathetic for others?

3 Questions Where People Will Actually Define Themselves

What type of games / roles did you play as a child?

Describe the perfect teammate, the type of teammate you would want to work with. (Listen carefully. They will define the type of teammate that they are.)

Experts say that we always gravitate to, find ourselves in, roles in which we are naturally good (talent). What type of roles have you found yourself in overtime?

The most important three...

Curiosity - Give an opportunity for questions. What do they ask questions about? The position? The people within the company? The company itself? The role they would be playing? How are things done? Or do they simply ask about compensation and benefits? Successful people are curious. Being curious is a talent. Rank their curiosity from 1 - 10.

Attitude - No one wants to hire a bad attitude. Throughout all of their stories you will have been listening and gaining an insight to their thought process. What are you feeling about their attitude? Rank their attitude 1 - 10.

Passion - Having passion is a 'tell' to their talent and a talent itself. Throughout all of their stories, you will have been listening and gaining an insight to their core. What are you feeling about their passion? Someone with passion is contagious! They inspire leaps! Rank their passion from 1 to 10.

Be consistent with your interviewing process and you will become a much better interviewer and a hirer of talent and not just a resume.

A group of people sitting at a table talking.

777 of Ecommerce

A man and woman sitting at a table with papers.


How do you create sustainability?

Processes are the key to sustainability.

Anything without a process is a process... It is a process of doing whatever, however, whenever... just get it done!

Sustainability is being able to purposefully repeat acceptable results in an environment of variables.

One of the most complex variables is the talent involved. There are those who seem to be successful at everything they do. Others who seem to be successful at some things in the right environment. Then those that are great people but tend to make a lot of mistakes or errors.

Processes make success consistent, repeatable, thus sustainable!

We define processes to create a sustainable company.

Risk Management

How do you manage risk?

First determine where risk exists.

Develop and deploy processes which will mitigate the risk.

Put monitoring processes in place to make sure that the risk mitigation processes are being followed.

In today's world, risk is everywhere. You will need to rate each area of risk from 1 - 10. One being minimal risk and 10 being exceptional risk. Every company is unique. The more complex the business, the more complex the risk.

Why are steel toe shoes, safety glasses, and hard hats required in some areas and not in others? Why do some companies have detailed terms? Why do some companies have detailed proposals? Why do some companies have layered approval processes? Why do some companies have elaborate implementation processes?

They determined there was risk involved and put processes in place to mitigate the risk. They probably recognized the risk after they had a painful experience. The most common painful experience is loosing a lot of money because of something that should not have happened.

We can evaluate your risk and mitigate it.

A group of people sitting around a table.
A group of people sitting around a table.


How do you create value?

The first step to creating value is obtaining talent beyond yourself that will be there if you are not. The second step is employing processes that are repeatable by everyone and by almost anyone. The third step is deploying processes to avert risk and ways to detect when they are not being executed.

A sustained strong revenue and income stream is akin to bait. They get potential purchasers, investors, and financial institutions interested. When anyone looks below that surface and all they see is the predominance of YOU, economic forces, and potentially luck, that interest will evaporate.

YOU can make a ton of money. YOU can, YOU can, YOU can, but when YOU decide to be done, your business is probably done, unless someone internal wants to pony up to take on your role. In the absence of talent and process to create sustainability and risk management, YOU are the significant value of interest. If you are departing with your company dependent on you, there is no value.

So beyond YOU, talent, and processes, how else can you add value to your company?

Build a business that is not dependent on YOU.

Have a product that others do not have access to, INNOVATION.

Build a diversified business, revenue streams that stand on their own and are not dependent upon YOU. Add revenue streams that could be independent businesses on their own.

We can strengthen your organization's value.