
A man and woman looking at papers on a table.

Business Development Sales Consulting


As a business owner, you have great ideas and leadership skills. However, you may not have the time or the know-how to bring these ideas to life. At WAID-C Services, Inc. we can coach you on your upcoming projects.

We have found that over 90% of company owners spend the majority of their time working on the day-to-day aspects of their businesses, not leaving any time for executing new ideas or growing their companies. We offer business development sales consulting for industrial and wholesale distribution.

Why Do You Need Sales Coaching?

You might have a great idea for a new product your business could sell. You may also have the skills to lead and encourage your team. However, if you are not as strong in sales and marketing areas, your product will not be as profitable as you hoped.

At WAID-C Services, Inc., we can offer you business development sales coaching so that you are able to sell your product. This way, you can focus on the areas you are gifted in — creating and leading — and we can assist you in executing the ideas you create.

Two men in suits looking at a tablet.
A group of people sitting around a table with papers.

What Does Sales Coaching Look Like?

At WAID-C Services, Inc., we will not only coach you, but we will also assist you in implementing new sales strategies. As a business owner, you are busy handling all the aspects of running your business — hiring and training employees, maintaining bookkeeping, selling and stocking products — so we want to assist you in growing your business.

While coaching sessions are a great way to help you think through your project, we don’t want to stop there. At WAID-C Services, Inc., we want to assist you in implementing and executing the projects discussed during coaching.
For more information on our business development sales coaching and consulting, contact us at (214) 697-9606, or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to assisting you in developing your business, composing strategic plans, and focusing on growing your sales.

The great ones all have coaches. There are times that an unbiased outside party with executive industry experience can reduce stress and increase performance. All topics are on the table. Feedback provided on your ideas. Experience provided on your questions. Suggestions regarding your concerns. Conversations regarding operational, sales, or marketing. Coaching is about improving performance, improving value, and improving the quality of life.

Quarterly rate plus travel expenses...

  • One 5 hour face to face meeting per quarter
  • Three one hour scheduled teleconferences (1 / MN) per quarter
  • Unlimited access via phone or email


When you are working "IN" the business, there are not enough hours in the day to work "ON" the business. Improving your operations, sales processes, and marketing will improve efficiency and productivity, provide more control and insight, and deliver greater Profitability. The most profitable companies are always working "ON" the business. The most valuable companies have Sales Force Effectiveness and Sustainability. WaID-C Services, Inc. can provide a steady pace of moving your company forward by carrying some of the load created by "ON" the business projects. Being your Force Multiplier.

Monthly rate plus travel expenses

  • Any required "ON" the business project activities you choose
  • Unlimited access via phone or email
A group of people sitting around a table.
A group of people sitting around a table.

Board Service

There is a lot of insight that can be gained from an external Board Member. They do not have the same blinders created by 'that is how we have always done it.' They have a different set of experiences to bring to the table. They ask questions that someone internal might never risk asking. They are not inhibited by politics.
Steven W Strifler has over 50 years of cumulative Board Service.
Acceptable meeting rate plus travel expenses

  • One 5 hour face to face meeting per quarter
  • Three one hour scheduled teleconferences (1 / MN) per quarter
  • Unlimited access via phone or email


Some "ON" business projects are important enough, critical enough, to complete on an expedited time frame. Improving performance on your critical numbers and processes can drop millions to the bottom line.
Fees established on a project basis based upon the scope of work

  • Project completion to specific objectives (start to finish)
  • Unlimited access via phone or email

WaID-C Services, Inc. Top 7 Sales Process â„¢ and Implementation

Customer Focused Process

Win larger Opportunities with more Contribution, more Often Create Sales Effectiveness and Sustainability

  • Top 7 Sales Process (Sales Information)
  • 3 Days of Implementation
  • Quarterly Follow-up for One Year
  • Goals, Milestones, Ownership, Risks
  • Additional Implementation Assistance Available

Top 7 Sales Process â„¢ has effectively increased sales and Profitability for more than 15 years.

WaID-C Services, Inc. can get your company to a more profitable tomorrow…

We will be your Force Multiplier

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